Couch Surfing, Mississippi Style

Last night, my wife and I had our first-ever experience as couch-surfers.  It was delightful.

Our host, a guy in his mid-thirties, was truly an interesting character. He is acquisitions editor for a university press, a position he has held for several years.  He has worked for the press since he graduated from college in 1999.  He’s a bit shy, but sufficiently capable of getting over his shyness that he is an interesting and entertaining conversationalist.  And he is an adventurous eater, always a good sign in my estimation.  After learning of my affinity for spicy foods, he suggested Indian.  We with to Ruchi Indian, an absolutely fabulous place in Jackson, MS.  I intended to order lamb vindaloo, one of my favorite Indian dishes, but when I ordered Ghost Vindaloo (their menu’s name for lamb vindaloo), I was asked if I’d prefer lamb or goat.  Oh my god!  Goat!  Yes!  And it was exceptional.

Our host originally is from Dallas, so I doubt he’ll need a place to stay when he returns to visit, but I offered our home anyway.  I’d love to have the opportunity to extend the same hospitality to him that he extended to us.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Couch Surfing, Mississippi Style

  1. Bev Wigney says:

    So glad that you did some couchsurfing on this trip. I’ve met some really nice people through CS.

  2. druxha says:

    This couch surfing is a wonderful idea, John! I would equivalent to Europe’s Bed & Breakfast (but on a more intimate level), which I did many years ago, and it was a blast! Sounds like you found a great guy to put you two up, also. Indian food is a delight, and all those spices…..yum! Happy trails to you and Janie, and please keep updating the surfing. Write again on the next “wave”! A great read! Take care. 🙂

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