Couch Surfing the Southern Route

As my wife and I began preparing for our trip to Florida, we discussed the possibility of finally doing some couch surfing.  While we’ve hosted other couch surfers, we have yet become guests of other hosts.  This morning, we decided to see if we could find willing hosts along the route as we make our way east.  Initially, we thought we’d drive only as far as Shreveport the first day, leaving late in the day and drifting slowly and leisurely eastward. However, our search of hosts in and around Shreveport revealed very few options, so I started looking farther east.

As I began checking the profiles of prospective hosts in Jackson, Mississippi, I found one that was immediately appealing to me.  He’s a young guy  in his mid-thirties, originally from Dallas, who is a book editor and writer.  The information on his profile page suggests to me he is a very intelligent guy with an interesting perspective.  After following some links from his profile page to his blog and his podcasts, I decided he would be a very interesting host…if he would be willing to accommodate us.

Only an hour or so after I sent him a request on, he responded that he would be happy to accommodate us!  So, our first experience as couch surfing guests will take place in Jackson, Mississippi.

Looking at the map, I decided I could make it the rest of the way to our initial Florida destination in one more day if I pushed, but I would rather not.  So, I started looking at couch surfing possibilities in the Tallahassee area.  I came across an interesting couple from India and sent them a request; no response yet, but we could always stay in a motel if necessary (and as we typically have done in the past).  But I’m excited about the prospect of meeting new people, especially new people who have radically different experiences than I.


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Couch Surfing the Southern Route

  1. John Swinburn says:

    Thanks, Trish. We’re looking forward to it.

  2. druxha says:

    This sounds like a great adventure…couch surfing…!! Keep the updates coming. It will be very interesting, John, to see were you & Janie will Bed & Breakfast next! 🙂

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