
I just crawled out of a rabbit hole…the one I crawled into about half an hour ago. I am fairly easily distracted, evidence of which appears here most days. This morning’s distraction led me first to an Americanized version of the website belonging to a major British newspaper. Curious about the original version, intended for a British audience, compared to the one I saw on my screen, I went searching.  I found the original UK version pretty easily; however the internet occasionally behaves as if it will, by God, decide what I view. But I found it. Success! That little adventure prompted me to begin another one, looking at other foreign media outlets to determine whether they were “white-washed” for  an American audience. That foray into the deep, dark unknown led me down a path, where I tripped and found myself searching for news about specific villages which, in turn, transformed into an investigation of the degree to which beef consumption has declined (or risen) in the last ten years. I did not finish that “work,” because I realized I was  on the cusp of a mental adventure that could take weeks to play out. Through sheer force of will,  I managed to extract myself, and from there I landed in a  cloud of immeasurable allure. And here I am.


I am not completely satisfied with my progress out of the world of obesity. On the one hand, my loss of 40 pounds (6 of which dropped in the last month) in the course of roughly nine months is no small feat. On the other, a more focused and reliable ritual would have accomplished so much more! I do not believe I am so very different from other people, at least with respect to satisfaction with the mediocre. It is common for me to see [and experience myself]  instances of settling for “average” or below. If the problem is not simply slothfulness, perhaps it reflects a sense that the return on investments of energy, talent, training, or what have you is woefully inadequate. Rather than expend resources on an obsolete equipment, many of us just hold on, waiting for more attractive opportunities. Jeez! I lost my train of thought before it left the station.


It’s nearing six o’clock, time for me to get up, shave, shower, and pack for a short trip to visit Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. One of the special presentations, in particular, entitled Diego Rivera’s America, should be very interesting.  We’re joining another couple on this quick, miniature road trip. I can imagine myself continuing on after visiting the museum and sampling some of Bentonville’s best restaurants. And then…who knows? My restlessness is inexplicable but strong.


I may or may not blog from “the road.” Time will tell, as she always does.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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