Working on It

Last night, I allowed myself to react to comments left on an online posting about Gawker’s release of George Bush’s telephone number.  I loathe George Bush and hold him personally responsible for launching an illegal and devastating war in Iraq, among other things.  But Gawker’s childish response to the 10-year anniversary to the attack on Iraq was stupid.

When I read the comments, both those which skewered Bush and those which praised him, I got angry.  Neither group of neanderthals knows the full story, but both groups act like they do.  I was especially pissed off at an imbecile who, using a fake name, called by utterly despicable names anyone who took issue with his perspective.

And I allowed it to make me angry.

Now, I’m angry at myself for allowing it to happen.  But I’m working on it.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Working on It

  1. druxha says:

    I know, John, I know…so valiantly he struggled to convey his message, and let it be heard. Simply overwhelming! 🙁 But this is the best message ever for this 10 year anniversary. This is the real message…spoken from the heart….speaking the truth….

  2. John says:

    I did come across Young’s letter, Trish, and was deeply moved by it. I just watched him, on the link provided; to hear him speak the words he put in that letter was nothing short of devastating.

  3. druxha says:

    I found another link, but in this Mr. Young reads his “last letter”, if you would like to view, John. This is how the anniversary should be expressed….

  4. druxha says:

    Share your loathing, John, for the same. Don’t know if you happened upon an article that was out yesterday (I’d posted it on my timeline, with my sentiments in toe ), from Iraq War veteran, Tomas Young’s pens ‘last letter’ to Bush and Cheney? I was overwhelmed and saddened by what he had to say to them….he spoke from the heart, and said some undeniable truths. So, if you’d like to divert your angry from “Gawkers” 10th anniversary write up to something really worthwhile, Young’s last letter is the place to go.

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