Why Do You Read What I Write?

Though the number of people who read my blog is quite small, I do not know who comprises those who regularly view my blog posts. I know a few people who frequently view my posts, but I do not know why even they visit. And I do not know the identity of several people who seem to be “lurkers.” (By the way, lurking generally is my style of reading blogs, so I do not consider “lurker” a negative term.) All of that having been said, I am extremely interested in why people read what I write and what, if anything, brings them back.

So, the purpose of this out-of-the-ordinary post is to ask visitors to tell me why they visit and whether they visit frequently, occasionally, or rarely. Please, just leave a brief comment (or a lengthy one, if you wish). You can comment anonymously if you like, too, (although I will be able to see the email address you use to submit your comment…but you can use a fake email address if you like…maybe something like lurking1@puppydog.com). Alternatively and if you prefer, if you have my email address, you can send me your comments by email.

If you would give me just a little feedback as to what attracts you to this blog, I will appreciate it. It’s really just a matter of curiosity; I will be grateful to you if you would help satisfy my curiosity.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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16 Responses to Why Do You Read What I Write?

  1. JoAnn, thank you for your comments and for flattering me with your very generous comments. I am glad you read what I write! And I’m so glad I have the opportunity to see what you post on Facebook! Your sense of humor and mine are so very, very similar! And our sensibilities, too, are very much alike. I’m glad I know you and look forward to knowing you better!

  2. jmangi1 says:

    I read them, first – because you put the effort into writing them. But, also, because they’re interesting, informative, because you take the time to express thoughts and emotions and dreams. And because you have a delightful way with words.. Usually, I read on my phone, where I can’t hit the like button (it won’t remember my login to the blog) so unless I remember to go to your blog on my computer, you don’t know I’ve read them. I applaud the way you have so much to say about so many subjects.. thanks for sharing!

  3. Liz, I appreciate every time you read it! And, as you know, I don’t always read yours, either, but I really enjoy them when I do. (You often make me wish I lived in Sweden, you know!)

  4. lizardek says:

    I don’t read every post, but I like every one I do read.

  5. Linda, I am glad you find my posts interesting. Having read some of your work, though, I know just how creative and thought-provoking your writing can be. I appreciate your visits and your comments; your insights are invaluable, my good friend.

  6. Linda Pennington Black says:

    I like to read your posts because they are interesting and stimulate my thoughts. I learn from you! Some of the lingo is very thought provoking, and I wonder sometimes, “now where did this come from or how did he come up with this?” They are words I would never think of, let alone, could ever think of.

  7. Penny, I am so glad you are “hooked” on my blog. And I’m glad I stimulate your thinking. But, wait, you disagree with sometimes? Please tell me more! I think having long conversations and, perhaps, disagreements with you would be absolutely delightful! Thanks very much for reading my blog and for “talking” to me about it.

  8. Thanks, Paula. My head is just full of…stuff.

  9. Penny Beed says:

    John, I started reading the blog because I care about you and wanted to know how you were doing. However, I am now “hooked” and read it almost every day because of its diversity of topic, your honesty, the way you document what you’re saying and share quotes from others, your attention to and reverence for nature, and more. You stimulate my thinking, whether I agree with you or not!!

  10. Paula Newman says:

    Your head contains interesting bits that you do not hesitate to display. Also, I think you are funny. No matter what anyone else says. ❤

  11. Pat, thanks for that feedback. You nailed my tendency toward randomness. 😉 I enjoy variety and diversity, which probably is why I write so many stream-of-consciousness posts. I am glad you are able to enjoy a “cuppa” with my random thoughts and occasional exercises in strangeness.

  12. Pat Newcomb says:

    John – I remain intrigued by your ability to pull down and sort out lots of seemingly random thoughts and then articulate where you stand in the midst of the chaos. You continue to seek out interesting “prompts” – conversations, observations of nature, a reading or line of dialogue. It’s just a nice way to enjoy a “cuppa” across the miles.

  13. Larry, thanks for reading…on a regular basis, I think. As for the payment for your feedback, if my check is returned to you marked “insufficient funds,” just keep trying to deposit it until it slips through. Actually, I may have to send you two checks, both post-dated, each for half the amount owed. 😉

  14. Todd, I appreciate your feedback. I’m glad to hear you join me in MY insanity! Thank you for reading, my friend.

  15. wtcret says:

    I am not a consistent reader. I usually assess the subject based on the teaser that comes to me via email and read the full blog based on that. The result is usually a 70% full read. I like your stuff because 1) you remind me that I not alone in my insanity, 2) your remind me of what is important, and 3) you occasionally introduce me to something I have not considered.

  16. Larry Zuckerman says:

    For a mere $43.70 I can provide you with feedback.

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