
I sit here, letting fluids and medications flow through the port in my chest. A vitamin B-12 shot in my upper arm was a new experience…I think. Too many stabs and jabs to remember. I have been weak and tired most of this week; uninterested in blogging. I feel better today. But I am very, very tired of the restrictions imposed on me by chemotherapy.

I have a PET scan scheduled for a week or two hence. The results of that test should tell whether the treatments are working as planned.

The vision in my left eye has degraded of late, so I must make an appointment to see my eye doctor. Degradation is a lousy experience.

Enough one-finger typing.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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5 Responses to Weary

  1. Meg, thanks for your generous comment and good wishes.
    Pam, I appreciate your keeping up; and thanks very much for your kind thoughts.
    Bev, you always know how things stand with the chemo process; thank you for making sure I know the realities of chemo.
    Penny, thank you for being a regular reader and for your kindness!


  2. Meg Koziar says:

    I’m relieved to see a blog from here today even though it’s brief. Thank you for letting your many friends know how you are doing. Wishing you a comfortable day.

  3. Pam D says:

    John I regularly read your blogs and I have been remiss at taking just a few moments to let you know that I think of your often. Please be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes.

  4. bevwigney says:

    I’m sorry that you’re feeling weary and unwell. Doing the more challenging chemo regimens can be very rough going. It’s a cumulative thing — the effects of each treatment sort of build up rather than being like a roller coaster of up and down between treatments. You’ll probably find that you’re weary and need to rest a lot. I have friends who did really challenging chemo for breast cancer and spent a lot of time mainly lying around or sleeping in a recliner chair for weeks at a time. Be easy on yourself. Take care.

  5. Penny Beed says:

    John, I’m thinking of you as you undergo your treatment today. I’ve missed your blog lately. I hope all of those little units they’re adding are going to the right places and doing their job perfectly! Take care and know that others are rooting for you!

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