The Republic

I want to be remembered as the man I wanted to be, not the man I was.

~ Confidential ~


Some people seem capable of ignoring their flaws, as if flaws did not matter in the least. Others appear able to focus their attention on little else. Somewhere along that continuum of self-knowledge is a stretch we might call “healthy self-assessment.” On both sides of that limited stretch, the outcasts live. People who are self-absorbed, but at different ends of the spectrum. Hmm. How can they find their way closer to the center?


I “read” a book, Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, this morning. Mi novia insisted I read it. It’s a very, very, very brief book of drawings of a panda and a dragon with accompanying text of their conversations. The conversations are deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophies. It is a thought-provoking book; it is not revelatory, but it emphasizes issues and ideas all people should think about. Issues to which ample consideration should be regularly be given.  I suppose she wanted me to read it as a means of encouraging conversation.


I’ve been struggling to think of something I wanted to write this morning, only to arrive at the conclusion that nothing I want to write is appropriate for an audience about which I know almost nothing. I know some people who read this blog consistently, but only a few. The rest? Who knows? They could be government agents or right-wing nationalists, for all I know. I’ll stop trying, for now. My failure to “produce” will not bring down the Republic.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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