Still Aching After All These Hours

These monster ailments affecting us have led us to conclude making our trip to St. Paul is not wise. As much as I long for a road trip and as much as I’d like to see Peter Mayer again, and even if our symptoms disappear in the next few days, we think it best not to risk a relapse on the road. Both of us have been sleeping a lot (or in mi novia’s case, trying to sleep), but sleep’s usual healing powers have had essentially no impact on us. If conditions haven’t improved by tomorrow, she will return to her doctor’s office and I will try to get an appointment. In the  meantime, we will stay home and hibernate. No church today. No mah-jongg for her tomorrow. Blah.


I’ve expended all my available energy writing the paragraph above. So, I’m finished for now.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Still Aching After All These Hours

  1. Rest is the priority here.

  2. Thanks, Debbie.

  3. Debbie Kirilov says:

    Feel better friends.

  4. Meg says:

    Rest, eat, repeat. Hope you get some relief soon.

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