I’ve spent the last hour looking at the “year in pictures” from the CNN website. Though I did not keep a tally, it seems to me the majority of photos captured individual reactions to bombings, earthquakes, wildfires, severe weather, and various other traumatic circumstances. It’s enough to make a person want to slit his wrists. No one could absorb all the photos and read the captions accompanying them without feeling deep hopelessness. Perhaps that was the intent of the person(s) who curated the collection.
Teach us delight in
simple things.~ Rudyard Kipling ~
Simplicity carries with it the possibility of calmness. Serenity thrives when one unravels the tangled world and experiences pure clarity. Focusing only on just an inch of bark on a tree—rather than its entire trunk and all its limbs and twigs—is a direct path toward understanding. But it is not a completely “easy” path. It requires an intensity of concentration that may be difficult, in the beginning. Yet that powerful focus quickly sheds the fierceness of seeking to know, allowing understanding to flow without effort.
I continue to be tired around the clock. I am not fighting it, though. Instead, I go with it without resistance. My energy is at a low ebb. That is all right; it helps me sleep.