
Last night, we attended a musical performance by Peter Mayer, well-known in Unitarian Universalist (UU) circles for both his songwriting and his voice. We learned of the event, organized and offered by the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, by accident when mi novia checked to learn about UU churches in and around Dayton, Ohio, where we are visiting my brother and his son and daughter-in-law. The performance was exceptional. At the audience’s insistence, he performed Holy Now and Blue Boat Home, two of his best-known pieces. Another song I had never heard was a delight, too, though I do not know the title…it was about greyhound dogs learning the rabbit they had been chasing around the track wasn’t real…hilarious and thought-provoking.

We are going back this morning to listen to his sermon and hear more of his music. What an outstanding, but unplanned, opportunity.

The main purpose of our trip is to visit my brother, et al and to see his new digs. I was surprised at the roominess of  his apartment. It is a very nice place, with two bedrooms (one of which is his office), a full-size laundry room, and a nice sized kitchen. All in all, I’d say his move from Texas to Ohio was a very good move.


We will head back to HSV tomorrow morning. On the trip up this way, we avoided major highways to the extent possible and took our time. Had we driven the most direct, fastest route, it would have taken about 11 hours. We took the better part of three days to get here…I really enjoyed the leisurely pace. We may take a different route back, but I expect we will again avoid interstates as much as possible.


The news is awash in reports of mass shootings and other gun violence. The horrors will not stop until our society undergoes a radical and traumatic transformation. Until Second Amendment fanatics/psychopaths have their weapons confiscated and/or  their psychoses successfully treated, the bloodshed will continue. Ach!


I cannot think when I do not have a full-size keyboard available to me. If for no other reason, I look forward to being home, where my adults sized computer awaits. Next major purchase: a lightweight notebook computer and a wireless full-size keyboard.


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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