Where did we go wrong? How did a nation dedicated to justice and freedom, a nation ostensibly predicated on the assertion that all men are created equal, come to this? How can it be that, on January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States? I think the vast majority of Americans, both those who voted for Trump and those who voted for another candidate, failed to fully comprehend a key message he espoused: there’s too much political correctness. His supporters interpreted that message as a condemnation of the “left leaning” Democrats’ tendency to preach tolerance and brotherhood and equal opportunity in the midst of undefined economic pain and a “trumped up” fear of the “other” in the world. His opponents read his message as code for intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and virulent nationalism. Both failed to understand.
His message was this: while we view our Constitution and Bill of Rights as if they were sacrosanct, in his view, they are not. In his view, our governing documents are playthings for the rich, playthings subject to revision or repeal without the slightest hint of patriotic reserve. Political correctness prevents the rich from grabbing and holding onto perverse political power that serves only their own deviant, egotistical, narcissistic self-interests. So, yes, for him and his cronies, there’s too much political correctness. Political correctness, to that bloated piece of putrid orange excrement—seething in the stench of self-serving entitlement—means restraint of plutocratic lust. Not all of us missed it; but enough did to enable a lunatic with a fanatic desire for self-gratification to take office.
The words “lamb” and “slaughter” flood my mind this morning.
I feel your words deeply, brother. I’m currently in DC and it saddens me to think of what the next four years will bring. I can only hope that the professional Republican career politicians will rein in some of his craziest ideas… We shall see. I leave the night before Trump Tower freezes over. Wish me luck!