June 5: Thoughts for the Day

The difference between comfort and distress can be something as simple as a breeze. Understanding that simple fact sometimes makes me grateful for  things I didn’t realize were important.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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5 Responses to June 5: Thoughts for the Day

  1. Trisha says:

    LOL! Yep, I can relate! Sounds like a plan to me!!

  2. juan says:

    It’s maybe “icky,” but maybe an alternative. This is soooo “Trisha”! LOL!


  3. Trisha says:

    That’s great, John. Sounds like you’ve tapped into the “natural” that surrounds you, and in an enlighten, positive way!

  4. Actually, Trish, it’s not so bad. The lack of it, though, has reaffirmed for me the value of something about which I rarely gave a thought…a breeze. And from there, it occurs to me ther are so many other such things.

  5. Trisha says:

    It sounds like you are really missing your AC. I can’t blame you.

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