July 28: Thoughts for the Day

A real estate agent, who had just placed a for-sale sign in front of the house across the street from ours, said to me:

“They had it for sale before, but it didn’t sell, so they took it off the market.  They lowered the price this time, but they didn’t lower it enough, if you know what I mean.  But the house is in great shape; if it needs any repairs they take care of it.  They’re good Christian people. That really makes a difference!”

If I had been in the mood for a confrontation, I would have asked her whether a good Christian real estate agent adequately represents her clients’ best interests by broadcasting that they priced the house too high. And I would have asked her to explain the relevance their religion has on the marketing of their house.

The agent would have made just as much sense if she had replaced “They’re good Christian people” with “They enjoy making egg salad sandwiches.”

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to July 28: Thoughts for the Day

  1. robin andrea says:

    I love your egg salad sandwich analogy.

  2. Joyce says:

    My thoughts exactly, John. I get “turned off” by tv and news paper ads that advertise themselves as good Christians……what about the bad Christians or all the rest of humanity?

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