Feeling Positive

Last night, I joined friends for a celebration of wine and food aficionados. Each couple or individual brought wine and hors d’ouevres to share. Six bottles of wine and what felt like 48 ounces of food later, we finished the assessment: all the wines were good and so was the food. It was nice to get out; to socialize and enjoy this good life of ours.

From there, the night got even better: seeing fireflies light up in the darkness; feeling deeply connected to the universe for some reason.

As I type these words using just one finger (I challenged myself to do this post from my phone), I feel about as positive and hopeful as I think possible. It occurs to me that a positive outlook can emerge only from positive thoughts–meditating can collect them like flowers.

Enough 1-finger typing for a while.



About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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