
How can I write about such drivel as I posted earlier, my frustration with toilet non-delivery, in the face of the impending presidential inauguration? My answer is this: the little frustrations have their place; sometimes, it’s the little frustrations that offset the monstrous fears or, just as likely, the homicidal fantasies.

If I told you of my fantasies about what I would want to do, if I had the power, to a certain someone about to take control of the free world, you would gasp and pull away, as if I had become the worst sort of monster you could have imagined. But the fantasy that made you grimace and avert your gaze was the most civilized of them all. The others, the more gruesome ones, would have you turning away in abject terror, clawing your way through thorny brambles to escape images so vile, so incomprehensibly odious, that you would gladly go blind rather than allow those pictures to stay another second in your brain.

I won’t paint those images for you. Instead, I’ll let you paint them yourself. Think of someone strapped to a cold steel table. Think of ice picks, claw hammers, vats of acid, hammers, nails, wire cutters, and an industrial sewing machine capable of stitching leather. Think of scalpels and sandpaper and bottles of alcohol. Think of dental instruments used in tooth extractions. Think of propane torches and containers of molten lead. Think of the “jaws of life” with a decidedly different intent.

There, now. Don’t you feel a little better about yourself, knowing you weren’t the one responsible for the fantasy?

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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One Response to Fantasy

  1. Good to read someone’s verbalizations that
    I’m hesitant to express and don’t have the creativity to do so even if i got past the hesitations. You know they are watching you and your words will go down in history and he will get his revenge one way or another because he’s that kind of person.

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