Have you ever wondered, after learning of reactions to something you said or wrote, whether you came across as unlikable? Or that, maybe, what you said or wrote didn’t come across as you intended? Or that your attempts to be jocular were received as jabs, or worse? Yeah. Me, too. And have you ever wondered whether maybe, just maybe, those misinterpretations were right? That maybe the people you thought were misreading you were, in fact, reading you more clearly than you read yourself? Have you ever wondered whether you could just start over, from the beginning, and replay all those mistaken communications. Whether you might fix those erroneous assumptions, those misplaced expressions that led to judgments about you that were, if you believe your thoughts about yourself, incorrect? I have. It’s a pitiful belief. Reality doesn’t treat you the way you wish it would. Reality can be caustic, brutal, unfriendly, and unwilling to bend history to sooth your scorched ego.
I am not a fan of reality. That’s why I write. That’s why I create worlds, even ugly ones, that shine brighter and sooth more completely than this one.
Sorry. I just posted something else. I guess this is why people unsubscribe to my posts.