Double Short

Once again, I slept late, thanks in no small part to regular meows and tail-chasings. That is to say, I was awake far too much and slept too little. And too late. Such is life. The day commences at its own pace, regardless of how I might feel about it.


The weekend just ended was nothing short of spectacular. Saturday began with a brunch with Peter Mayer, our church minister, the immediate past president of our church (who sponsored Mayer), and me. Then, an outstanding concert performance by Peter. That evening, a group of church leaders and hosts went to dinner with Peter. Sunday morning, the pairing of Peter’s music with the minister’s delivery produced deeply meaningful messages. After the morning program, a group of church friends took Peter to lunch. And then, more personal, mi novia and my sister-in-law sat on the back deck, enjoying the forest, even in the heat and humidity.  It’s rare that an emotional “high” lasts as long as it did…has…but I wish for more frequent long-lasting euphoria.


Jumbled thoughts do not make for coherent writing. Competing emotions, intellectual uncertainty, and a frothy mixture of resignation, exhilaration, fear, and jubilation suggest, strongly, that I should give up attempting to write this morning. And I will, for the second time in a rare doubling, listen to what I have to say to myself.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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