Creative Void

Usually, even when my mind is blank, I can sit down at my computer and write…something. Not so this morning. I have run into a wall ever since I awoke. An immoveable wall; solid concrete blocks laced together with steel rods. Its height is too great. I cannot reach the top, much less fling myself over it. And, so, I wait again. I’ll return here in a bit.


Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.

~ Eckhart Tolle ~


Well,  at least I can search out words of wisdom…as above…even while sitting inside this sinking pit, so devoid of creativity. The problem is this: I have nothing in my mind that I am willing to share with just anyone who happens along. In fact, there are precious few people with whom I would be willing to freely share. Those factors being in play, I think I’ll call it quits. I may return later today with a surprise non-morning post. Or I may not.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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