Circumstantial Celebrations

Yesterday was too complex, too convoluted, too laced with stress and unexpected sharp left turns into the unknown to be a good day. But it had its moments. I do not condemn yesterday for its flaws. I appreciate the day for turning out far better than it could have done.

A blood test that had been delayed from the day before (due to a technician’s absence) started the day. The intent of the test was to determine the potential for the existence of a blood clot in one or both of my lungs (pulmonary embolism). The origin of the need for the test is too involved to worry with here.

By the end of the day, thanks to a flood of unexpected news and wildly frenetic brain activity, I had forgotten about the test; the technician told me when she drew my blood, though, that the results would be available to the APRN late in the day. But I forgot, thanks to an earlier wash of mind-blowing news.

My IC, who earlier had been experiencing some pain in  her lower back, had felt the pain much more acutely. Her doctor’s office referred her, by phone, to another office that took an X-ray yesterday morning; the X-ray suggested a need for a more precise image, so a CT scan was done. The CT-scan revealed a kidney stone, a bizarre finding in that my own painful experiences of late had been caused by the same thing. We spent the day in mental confusion about the matter. I figured we would talk to the urologist this morning (during my appointment to remove the stent installed during what I believe was my nephrolithotripsy), if possible, about when he could see her to determine what could be done about her kidney stone.

Late in the day, during an early dinner of an order-in Japanese meal, I got a call from my the APRN who had ordered the blood test I had taken early in the day.  She strongly recommended I go, immediately, to the ER for evaluation and any necessary reaction to the results of the blood test. She said the test suggested the likelihood that I had a blood clot in my lung. I suggested I should wait until this morning, when I will be at the hospital for the removal of my stent. “This trumps that procedure,” she said, and told me a blood clot in my lung could cause my “sudden death.” We decided to follow her advice. So off we went to the ER.

Between three and a half and four hours later, the results were in: no pulmonary embolism was found. A number of other potentially troubling findings suggested a need to visit with my cardiologist sooner rather than later, but I could safely return home without expecting to die in my sleep last night. And the fact that I’m writing this offers evidence that, indeed, did not happen.

We got home sometime around 10 (I think). We made the bed (the sheets in the drier were going to be put on the bed after dinner, but that plan got derailed) and went to bed. In a short while, we will head back into town for my stent-removal procedure. And we will consider next steps for my IC’s kidney stone adventure.

Aside from all the stuff I’ve outlined above, yesterday was full of plenty of other frenzied activities (just less frightful). I prefer days with less drama and fewer sharp twists and turns, but yesterday’s outcome made the drama a little less troublesome. I finished the day yesterday with an appreciation of—and longing for—boredom. And I awoke this morning with the same appreciation of—and wish for—a long, boring stretch of the same.

Today, we have reason to celebrate, even in the shadow of circumstances we’d rather not have to plow through. And celebrate we shall.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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