Burning Heart

This morning I am experiencing the first truly unpleasant case of heartburn/indigestion I have had in quite some time. Two Tums may have toned it down just a touch, but not enough. Pizza (again) last night is to blame; I know this because I can taste and feel its aggressiveness. I may have to recline on a sofa in an attempt to moderate the discomfort. Damn pizza.

I cannot think clearly enough to write anything with even a shred of value. So I will give it up. I haven’t even consumed the espresso; I’m afraid it would make the heartburn even worse. Another sip of water and a morning nap. I hope that resolves the matter.

Heartburn is a reasonable descriptor. Although, I honestly think magma-chest is closer to the experience.


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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