Another Time

Yesterday’s insight service at church consisted of a screening of a documentary film entitled, Join or Die. Based on the research that led to Robert Putnam’s book, Bowling Alone, the marketing tag line for the film is “A film about why you should join a club — and why the fate of America depends on it.” I was extremely impressed with the documentary and the messages it delivered. I studied sociology in college and have maintained a strong interest in the discipline ever since. Watching the film, I felt the rush of interest and intrigue I felt as I delved into sociological issues in school. A friend at church, to whom I had mentioned my interest in sociological subjects, lent me Putnam’s book a week ago. I thumbed through the lengthy (almost 600 pages) book, but had not yet begun to read it when, last night, mi novia and I decided to listen to the audio book. The first chapter was just as interesting as I had hoped; I expect I will be just as transfixed by the rest of the book.


Another visit to the oncologist’s office is on the agenda this morning for “labs,” meaning a few tubes of blood will be extracted from the port in my chest. The process has become routine for me, though the brief stabbing pain (the intensity of which is supposedly reduced by a quick, cold spray of local anesthetic) still causes me to wince for a moment. It’s better than multiple attempts to find a willing vein in my arm or hand.


Though I am in a state of mind suitable for writing, I will resist the urge to allow my fingers to spill the contents of my brain, through my fingers, onto the screen. But know that, if I were to write more this morning, you would feature prominently as I revealed my very positive thoughts. For now, though, I will rein in my fingers, holding them in check until I write again another time.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Another Time

  1. Trish, thanks for the info. I will ask my doctor about the possibility of getting the EMLA Patch; if I had read your comments before today’s blood draw, I would have asked, but I will ask next time. Interestingly, they did not use any numbing agent today and I did not feel even a pinch! I don’t know if it was just luck or if the technician who drew my blood was a whiz at her job!

  2. Trisha says:

    They are called EMLA Patch, and are much more effective than spray which is superficial for the numbing reaches a depth of 4cm.

  3. Trisha says:

    They are called EMLA Patch. Much more effective than spray, for the penetrate the skin up to 4 cm.

  4. Trisha says:

    John, I get my port irrigated every 8 weeks in the chemo department. The give me a numbing patch each visit that i take home for the next app which I localize over the port drum about an hour before I arrive.. It numbs the area, normally can’t feel the jab at all. You might want to ask about them.

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