Yesterday, a long walk along the Cedar Creek Walking Trail turned a beautiful, clear, crisp day into an unforgettable joy. Walking along the trail, it’s easy to imagine oneself in a primitive forest, miles from civilization. The only noises are the rustling of leaves, the calls of dozens of kinds of birds, and the gurgling and splashing of creeks that run beside the trail. It’s the sort of experience that is perfect when shared with someone special.
If I have my way, I’ll be back frequently to immerse myself in nature and allow myself to think, free of the noise of televisions and cell phones and the hubbub of daily life.
Aside from the sheer joy of being in the midst of so much natural beauty, there were some other unexpected delights. At the head of the trail, near one of the parking areas, is an information box for trail visitors. Inside, there were: paper towels; a watering bowl trail users can borrow to give their pets water; plastic bags to collect pet poop; and a journal of sorts for trail visitors to use to leave notes about their experiences.
I think the first entry in the journal was from 2007 or 2008. People left comments about birds and plants they saw, sounds they heard, places they found invigorating, and so on. The first few years generated a lot of comments; not so much of late. But there were two new comments left today. And there will be more. I plan to go back occasionally to collect previous comments, which I’ll one day include in an article about the trail that I may submit to the local newspaper. This trail deserves support, appreciation, and use.