
I have promised myself for untold months that I would sort through and select for self-publication the dozens and dozens of short stories, vignettes, poems, daily utterances, and assorted other output of my typing fingers. To date, my promises have been hollow. But today, I vow to complete my pledge to myself before this year is out. It’s not merely selecting from amongst publication-ready material; it’s selecting material with potential, editing and polishing (or, in some cases, finishing) it, and learning the nuts and bolts of production through one of the major outlets (e.g., Lightning Source, CreateSpace, etc.). Today is March 16. I will accomplish my objective before my birthday this year; it will be a birthday gift to myself.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Promise

  1. Pauline, I’ll appreciate your holding my feet to the fire on this!

  2. I think you need someone to hold you accountable for doing what you say you are going to do. That way you will get it done!

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