Cancer and the Church

This morning, after having heard nothing from my oncologist’s schedulers, I called again. This time, I spoke to someone who said she would get something done. But unlike the same commitment I heard last time, this one said she would put me on hold until she pursued the matter to conclusion. I was on hold a good 30 minutes. At the end, I spoke to the scheduler who earlier said she doesn’t do the scheduling for Little Rock and they would call me. Apparently she called the Little Rock facility and went through the process of getting my biopsy scheduled. I’m to be in Little Rock early next Tuesday morning, requiring an early morning drive in the dark. But at least it’s scheduled. But I won’t get the results until eight days later. And, then, I suppose the waiting will begin again to schedule pre-operative tests, the surgery itself, etc. Assuming, of course, that the oncologist’s sense is borne out and that surgery is the best option.

While you’d expect the “cancer thing” the be my most aggravating challenge right now, I’m placing editing the church newsletter right up there with it. It’s 49 minute past the deadline for receipt of materials and I’m still waiting on at least two pieces. Later today and this evening, I’m involved in another church activity. Leading up to it, I have to finish smoking the pork loin I agreed to provide for the committee’s dinner tonight.  Tomorrow I have a follow-on all-day commitment with the church. On Sunday, well…Sunday at church. Then Monday and Tuesday I have medical tests scheduled. When will I finish the newsletter so it can be distributed before the end of the month? I guess it wouldn’t be the end of the world. It’s frustrating. I don’t have time to write any more. I have to work on the carcass of the newsletter so it will be ready to receive the outstanding materials.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Cancer and the Church

  1. John Swinburn says:

    A second opinion without a confirming original diagnosis?

  2. Teresa says:

    All this waiting gives you a chance to get a second opinion, doesn’t it?

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