Two Hundred Twenty-Five

What is it called?  Is there a name for it?  I’m referring to the phenomenon of waking up at 1:35 a.m. and misreading the clock, thinking it’s 5:35 a.m.  Then, getting out of bed, taking the obligatory pee, going to the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker, dropping a pod in the Keurig, and finally glancing at the kitchen clock to discover it’s four hours earlier than you thought.  Is there a name for that?

I don’t do it often, but recently (not last night) I did.  No, I didn’t stay up. I went right back to bed and worried for an hour about whether I’d lost my mind. But then I remembered where I’d put it.


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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