Two Hundred Sixty-Four

Breathe and be happy. Smile. Look at other people as friends, even people you don’t know. A genuine smile feels good, whether giving or receiving it. I think people can read decency and generosity in others’ faces. They have a calming effect. In the right circumstances, letting one’s guard down is an incredibly freeing feeling.

Later this morning, I will let my guard down as ophthalmic surgery takes place on my left eye. The ophthalmologist will insert a device in my eye to break up my cataract and the front capsule of the clouded lens through a process called phacoemulsification.  Then, he will remove the pulverized remnants and replace the lense with an intraocular lens implant. Presto! I will be able to see! (Well, that’s the plan; I should be able to see a bit better immediately, and much better after a short while.)

Once the process is complete, I will continue to breathe and be happy. I will try to smile.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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One Response to Two Hundred Sixty-Four

  1. Trisha says:

    Best of luck to you, John! You’ll be able to see again…really something to smile about! 🙂

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