Two Hundred Fifty-Nine

Lethargy and comfort are to blame, I think. They’re the reasons more of us don’t immerse ourselves in other cultures, if only for a little while, to experience the world from a different angle, a perspective impossible to embrace without effort and risk. We are too comfortable with the tapioca of our lives to allow ourselves to discover the joy of salsa and sushi and smoked salmon on the beach after an early morning run. Some days, we want to shatter the synthetic plastic mask surrounding us. But we lack the energy and the willingness to expose ourselves to the chills or the flashes of heat that might await.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Two Hundred Fifty-Nine

  1. Trisha says:


  2. Trisha says:

    You point is well taken, John! 🙂

  3. You, sir, are hereby sentenced to a season in Ethiopia!

  4. The Somewhat Adventuresome Gastronome says:

    Hey man! I’m all about new experiences, exotic foods and different cultures… As long as it doesn’t involve injera, kitfo or gored gored! 🙂

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