Temporary Bachelorhood

So, I’m trying to make my plans for temporary bachelorhood.  What shall I do when my wife skips town to meet her high school chums for a few days and nights of unchecked raucous behavior?

I’m thinking I should engage in a little raucous behavior of my own!  Perhaps I should watch the remaining episodes of Orange is the New Black by myself.  Maybe a gin gimlet, followed by a Manhattan, followed by a glass of New Zealand Sauvignon blanc…all within an hour or two.

I suppose I could visit my neighbor down the street, the guy with the to-die-for woodworking shop, and beg him to guide me through the process of making a set of shelves to display our expansive collection of coffee mugs.

Do I sound as exciting as I feel?  Hmmm.  Maybe I should take a solo road trip.  Hit the road with some appropriate road-music and just let the highway tell me where to go and how to feel.

I have to decide soon, because her Friday morning to Monday afternoon adventure begins on the 19th.  Oh, the places I will go, the things I will do!

Ah, she’ll probably leave me a list of things to accomplish during her absence.  A simultaneous road trip could absolve me of those responsibilities!

Do I have acquaintances in Iowa, friends in Alberta?

I suspect I’ll become a little more intimate with the remote control…and, perhaps, I will learn a bit more about the area beneath my house that could become a workshop.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Temporary Bachelorhood

  1. One day, Larry, I will visit NYC. You can show me the best places to get the best food at the lowest prices (that’s my thing!).In the meantime, I have to save up some bail money!

  2. Larry Zuckerman says:

    I have said this more than once! Come to NYC. Bring bail money
    Leave the rest ti your host!

  3. Señor, that weekend, I am afraid, is out. However, I have queried mi esposa about her appointment dates and should know in a day or two.

  4. J.R. Ewing says:

    Hmmmmm… Seems like North Texas would be great in mid-to-late September!

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