Gaze intently at a rainbow and you will see the outer edge of time.
Look hard. Look into the center of the brightest ribbon of color.
And there it will be. I’ve seen it a dozen times.
The thing is, of course, it’s only the outer edge. There’s no seeing beyond it.
That should be enough, shouldn’t it, seeing the outer edge of time?
And it is enough. It must be enough.
Gaze intently at your footprint in the sand and you will see the outer edge of time.
Look hard. Look into the center of that imprint of your middle age.
And there it will be. I see it clearly as if it were yesterday.
The thing is, of course, it’s only the outer edge. There’s no seeing beyond it.
That should be enough, shouldn’t it, seeing the outer edge of time?
And it is enough. It must be enough.
Stare in a mirror into your own eyes and you will see the outer edge of time.
Look hard. Look into the center of that open window to your soul.
And there it will be. I’ve seen its shadow there, right in front of me.
The thing is, of course, it’s only the outer edge. There’s no seeing beyond it.
That should be enough, shouldn’t it, seeing the outer edge of time?
And it is enough. But it’s never enough.