I am awake because threats of severe weather for our area continue around us. Earlier, we had two severe thunderstorm warnings and one tornado warning. Fortunately, those warnings have expired, but the atmosphere south and west of us looks favorable for launching more severe weather. Our NOAA weather radio doesn’t seem to be working, so I’m relying on television reports and email messages from The Weather Channel to alert me to be on the lookout. My hope and expectation is that the severe weather will scoot around us and won’t be of any serious threat, neither for us nor for anyone else.
Heavy rain began to fall as we were on the way to the Unitarian Universalist Village Church for Movie Night, a once a month freebie movie event. We had just eaten dinner with a friend after the three of us had returned from Benton, where we watched Beauty and the Beast. The production values for the film were astonishing; I’m sure the budget was astronomical. Though I’m not a fan of either fantasy or musicals, I enjoyed it; at least to an extent. I might have enjoyed something else more, but the film was well done.
By the time we reached UUVC, the rain was coming down in torrents. Fortunately, my wife had her hooded jacket and I had an umbrella. We zipped inside, got our water and popcorn, and sat down to watch the film, Captain Fantastic. I had read a synopsis earlier and knew it would be intriguing. It was. I won’t give away anything about it (you can find a synopsis online), but I will say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I heard several comments suggesting the UUVC might be one of the only churches (if not the only one) where the audience would appreciate and actively enjoy the movie. And I did. I had a few issues with sloppy “magical transitions” with no explanation of how events highly unlikely to have occurred could have taken place. But I forgive the writers/directors. What choice do I have?
So, two films, both around two hours in length, in the same day. I’m over my need to watch a screen for a while. But I was stunned at the sound and visual effects possible on the big screen, compared to my television or computer. I might return to the movies for just the experience.
By the way, the title of the post is a brazen attempt to attract otherwise disinterested readers. 😉