Implied Promise

What is an implied promise? Is a strong suggestion an implied promise? (You’ll have to assume an implicit action is associated with the strong suggestion.) Is a statement of future fact an implied promise? And what, by the way, is a “statement of future fact?”

Okay, I’ll try to be more clear. A promise is not a promise unless it is a declaration of certainty or assurance on which expectation is to be based. Clear as mud.

I suspect I’ll have few, if any, opportunities to write and post for awhile, beginning with our departure for our big adventure. Our travels will make internet access a bit of a problem, for one thing; for another, my computer has again developed a tendency to cut off in mid keystroke. The same computer that did it before but that, I had hoped, the new hard drive had corrected. Not so, apparently. I don’t have time to get it repaired or replaced before our travel, so the computer is not going with me. At the moment, I am using my cheap Chromebook, attached to my big honking keyboard (because the spacebar on my Chromebook requires a hammer blow to advance the cursor by one character’s distance). I may take my iPad on our trip (or maybe not). But I doubt I’ll be able to use it much to post here. So, for anyone who reads this with any regularity, you’re due a much-deserved rest.  Whether I live up to my implied promise remains to be seen, though.

After our trip, I will write about it. During our trip, I will take copious, but illegible, notes. Upon our return, I will attempt to read said illegible notes. I will have some success. Some of the notes, though, will be thrown away because their lack of value will argue for their disposal. Yet my memory will step in and take the place of notes. And, perhaps, a few photos will jog my memory even more, allowing me to express myself in ways I could not have done without photographic evidence of my experience. Words without value, amen.

My wife and I are taking “goodies” to church today; sweets (she) and savories (me). After the pre-service feeding, we will march into the sanctuary for the “water ceremony.”  It’s a somewhat strange pagan ritual that, surprisingly, has some real-world meaning. We, though, won’t be taking water to mix with the rest; we collected no water during our travels this summer, because we did not do any traveling. That’s coming up. Two nice trips. But I doubt we’ll collect water during our journeys, either. It might spoil before the next water ceremony. 😉

Obviously, I had nothing of substance to say this morning, so I droned on as I am wont to do when I am empty-headed and wishing for meaning. I might write again tomorrow. I might.



About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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