Hanging at the Hollow

Stove_RevisedIt is unreasonable, of course, that I am staying in a suite at the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow designed for writers of culinary materials. Yes, I did choose this suite. And yes, I intended to cook fabulous meals during my week of writing here. But that was before I decided to go full-in on the South Beach diet. What in the name of all that’s holy was I thinking?

This one photo does not do the suite justice. Aside from this magnificent six-burner gas range, there are warming drawers nearby. And a double oven. There is a huge refrigerator, easily twice the size of the one we have at home. An appliance garage that would fit all our appliances, plus all the ones already here: top-of-the-line food processors, juicers, pasta making attachments for mixers, professional mixers, etc., etc., etc. And the giant sink is deep, deep, deep as a well. But I’m not using this kitchen much; no, I’ve put my “breakfast around the world” project on hold while I endeavor to lose considerable pounds and return to a lifestyle of the happy and healthy. So, I look longingly at the dream kitchen and weep openly at my bad timing.  But there is good news to report.

I have finished the bulk of work required to consolidate two years’ worth of daily ruminations and thoughts of the day. I have begun t compile all of my poetry that I think is worth compiling into a collections. And I have finished one short story, begun another, and outlined a broad approach to my “Garcia” novel-in-progress. And there’s more. I’ve been spending time thinking about my writing and what I want it to be for me. So, while my creativity has not spun off the charts thus far, I’ve been productive as hell. And that’s a good thing.

Beyond that, I have watched my colleagues be productive, as well. I have witnessed creativity and energy. That is a good thing; it’s good for my energy to see others develop theirs.   And so, my five days of intense, self-imposed writerly-focused activities continues. I miss my family, but I know I’ll be home soon. Life is, at the moment, good. I intend for that to be a not-temporary state of affairs.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Hanging at the Hollow

  1. Thanks, Carol. You’re wonderful, but you knew that, didn’t you?

  2. Carol Morgan says:

    This is so GREAT John. What a wonderful thing you have done for yourself!

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