Food Flash

My Sunday was, by and large, a happy event. I logged three beers at the Flying Saucer in Little Rock, had a nice lunch at the same place, and enjoyed a scoop of ice cream at Kilwin’s, a place to which my wife (and I) has taken a liking. The downside to the day was our return home, whereupon I discovered that the pork spare ribs I had planned to smoke the next morning were beyond spoiled; they were rank. That notwithstanding, we forged ahead. We drove to a couple of stores nearby and finally found a replacement. I’ll smoke the fresher, more pleasingly fragrant spare ribs early this morning, beginning at first light. Last night, I slathered them in mustard, generously peppered them with a favorite rub, and wrapped them in foil and plastic wrap to soak up the spices from the rub overnight. My plan is to remove the foil and wrap and smoke them for three hours, with an occasional spritz of spiced apple juice. Then, I’ll take them out, cover them with a mix of brown sugar and butter, and wrap them in foil and continue cooking them for another two hours. After that, I’ll remove them from the smoker, drain the juices into a ready bowl, and return them to the smoker for an hour to let them develop a moderately dry “bark” of smoke and pork-juice-soaked brown sugar. My only concern with this process is that the final product may be a tad sweeter than I’d like. I’m willing to risk it; my wife is the real fan of spare ribs, after all, so these will be her baby (but I’ll eat some, just to be polite…;-)).


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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