

Rain has derailed my plans to take early morning walks, now, two days in a row. In my opinion, it’s Nature’s intrusion into such intended behaviors that makes treadmills appealing. I’ve used treadmills before, though I don’t own one and never have. I’ve thought about buying a treadmill, but issues such as where I’d put it and how often I might use it argue, albeit weakly, that I don’t have sufficient rationale to get one.  That weak argument, to which I’ve almost eagerly submitted myself, suggests a lack of commitment. I don’t like a lack of commitment. Perhaps I need to reexamine my arguments. Or, perhaps, I should rejoin the fitness center. Ah, but I don’t much like demonstrating my ineptitude at exercise publicly. Oh, I have reasons aplenty for avoiding commitment to healthy behaviors. Didn’t I just say I don’t like a lack of commitment? Therein lies the problem. Hypocrisy in plain view.

Actually, if I could use the fitness center before it opens for business—if I could be the only client during my exercise regimen—I am relatively sure I’d make the drive to the center every day so I could exercise in private. So, if that’s the case, what’s my argument that I would not use a treadmill here at home? My argument is falling apart, that’s what my argument is.

Hmmm. I wandered away from this post-in-progress for awhile and now I realize I have nothing else to add. So, as a means of reminding myself to focus, I’m posting this as-is.


About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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4 Responses to Focus

  1. John says:

    Mr Hesitant, you offer good advice. I will consider heeding it!

  2. Hesitant 5k Runner says:

    Start going there early and, when you achieve a fitness level with which you are comfortable, you can start going any time of day to show off your newfound athletic prowess!!! However, if you’re only going to go to walk/use the treadmill, I might suggest buying a treadmill and storing it somewhere in Swinburne House as they are EXCEEDINGLY inexpensive these days!

  3. John says:

    You’re on, Mary Lou!

  4. Mary Lou says:

    If you actually go there, you won’t feel so bad. Trust me. AND I hear they are fairly empty in the late afternoon. Next time I go, I’ll text you. Maybe we can walk it off together.

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