Yesterday afternoon, during a conversation with a friend about her interest in pursuing an advanced degree in fine arts, I had an epiphany of sorts. I came to realize I am not satisfied in retirement. I am not ready to experience a lifestyle in which my only concerns revolve around staying healthy and keeping occupied. In my mind, since yesterday’s visit, I have returned to an idea I had many years ago; it involves opening a restaurant/food truck/pop-up restaurant/something. I have no experience. That does not deter me. I may be deterred by something else, but my lack of experience does not do it.
I had a conversation today with a retired teacher who also seems not ready to call it quits, but I don’t know if she knows it yet. What she needs is an epiphany. I may give her mine when next we meet.
People who live with a purpose live longer. I’m not sure it it doesn’t matter what the purpose is, but I do believe that having a purpose in critical not just for longevity but for living a satisfying and happy life.