Doing the Deeds

Today’s schedule includes smoking three pork butts, writing something potentially worthy of my critique group, possibly attending an Audubon meeting and/or a documentary film festival, and watching for potential thunderstorms in the afternoon. Some of these events may be incompatible with one another, due either to the intractability of time or my woeful lack of the capacity for bilocation.

If I were more ambitious, I might work to generate psychic abilities that, thus far, have eluded me. Bilocation is one such supernatural talent that, were it available to me, could produce interesting experiences, both for me and for people who wouldn’t expect me to be in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Halifax, Nova Scotia at the same time.

Time to stop thinking about things and, instead, do the deeds.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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