Category Archives: New and Regained Knowledge

Learning from the Canadians

The concept seems solid: “If you think about the composition of meat, it’s actually five things,” Ethan Brown says: “Amino acids, lipids, trace minerals, vitamins and water. All of that is available to us outside the animal. What animals do … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 7 and Done

One week ago, I declared that I intended to document on this blog each day one new thing I learned or something that I had once known but recently recalled or re-learned. It seemed like a good idea at the … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 6

Today’s regained knowledge involves the power of cold temperatures. I remember, from several winters ago, the capacity weather possesses to disrupt our ability to travel. Even with a light dusting of snow—and the effect of that snow thawing under car … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 5

Snippets about Iceland. I did not know: Iceland lays claim to the world’s oldest legislative assembly, the Alþingi (anglicized as Althingi), which was established in the year 930. The Icelandic National Parliament (Alþingi Íslendinga) is a unicameral body currently representing seven distinct … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 4

Andrés Segovia, the renowned Spanish classical guitarist, made his first tour of the United States in 1928. When I watched and listened to him play many years later, I did not know anything of his first tour of the U.S. so … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 3

I know a little about cheese, as in I know what I like, but I’ve learned my knowledge of cheese is superficial in the extreme. I can name several cheeses off the top of my head: cheddar, Swiss, emmental, gruyere, … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 2

When the skies rebel against the peace, exploding in monstrous roars of thunder and brilliant flashes of lightning, something must be done. When the heavens flush doubt and hubris and hope from the air in the fury of pounding rain, … Continue reading

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New and Regained, 1

This year, I intend to document—here on my blog—knowledge I gain or regain each day. That is, something new I learn or something I may once have known but have forgotten and learned anew.  With that explanation, here is my … Continue reading

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