Cancer Journal 9, 2019

There’s evidence that the chemo may be ready to cause nausea. Yesterday, even before the seventh radiation treatment, I felt a tiny hint of nausea, enough that I decided to take the nausea pills with me to the session. I didn’t use them, though. But I left them in the console of the Subaru. I feel like I might need them now. Or soon.

My sleep last night was, in a word, awful. I was awake much of the night, thanks in part to an ongoing need to go to the bathroom to pee. I slipped off to sleep each time I went back to bed, but only for a short while. I feel drained right now. Tired beyond description. I want to sleep, but I know I can’t. So I’ll try coffee. And after coffee, I’ll wander into the garage to seek out the nausea pills, just in case I need them.  God, I just had a taste of coffee. It is awful! I hope the taste changes haven’t begun.

I’m writing this unpleasant post not to ruin a reader’s day, but to record what I’m experiencing. Just for the record.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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