
Some blogging friends recently completed their 1500th blog post. Well, they’ve actually posted more than that, but some posts from their very early days of bloggery did not survive the transition from one platform to another.

Unlike my friends, I post whether I have anything to say or not; I force myself to write because I fancy myself a writer and…writers write!  The posts published by my friends, on the other hand, are paced just right, and the content of their posts carries sufficient and consistent  interest to warrant a look every time they post.

Their lengthy commitment to one blog made me wonder how many I have posted over the years. I  know I cannot claim their consistency; they have stuck with their blog through thick and thin, while I have created and abandoned several blogs and I deleted one entirely (though I was able to restore it under a slightly new name not long ago).

At any rate, I went nosing about in the admin sections of my blogs and found that I have been prolific, if not consistent. I’ve published 1545 posts on Musings from Myopia, my earliest blog, and the one I deep-sixed in a fit of writer’s existential rage, survived 1262 posts. It Matters Deeply, which apparently didn’t, lasted  82 posts. I’m not counting the other blogs to which I may have posted just a handful of posts before leaving them starving for attention that never came. When I add the 47 posts I wrote for my company’s blog, the total comes to 2936. I’m just guessing, here, but I figure I must have written at least 70 posts for blogs I created for clients in the past, pushing me over the 3000 mark.

I have a feeling of déjà vu; have I written something like this post before? It matters not; it’s on my mind now, so I’ll update a previous post, if that’s what I’m doing.

A chronological review of what I’ve written reveals a man who has mellowed in many respects since the first posts in 2005. Ten years; that shocks me just a little. I’m compiling some of what I’ve written into book or booklet form. I just may have something to share with my friends and family before long. Of course, I said that ten years ago, too.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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One Response to Blogstones

  1. robin andrea says:

    You are quite the writer, John. That’s a lot of posts in a decade. Roger and I are not quite so prolific, but we are committed to this online bit of journal-ing. There have been many times we have looked back at old posts to piece together stories and events for details we have already forgotten. I once thought I might be a writer, but I am not.

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