August 17: Thoughts for the Day

A few years ago, I came across some very tasty sugar-free popsicles that I came to rely on for treats almost every evening.  I enjoyed orange-flavored, cherry-flavored, and pomegranate-flavored treats that contained only about 15 calories each.  But, suddenly, the makers of those treats learned I enjoyed them, spurring them to stop producing them.  That’s the way it seems to go.  The popsicles were among dozens of products I have enjoyed over the years that are no longer available.

How can I hide my consumption of these things so the makers do not realize it’s me who’s buying them?  That’s the only way, I think, to ensure their ongoing availability.  I smile, of course, but then…I wonder…

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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One Response to August 17: Thoughts for the Day

  1. susannealbb says:

    The only way to beat the makers is to make your own.

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