April Launch

Tomorrow is the first day of April. Perhaps that transition will give me the kick in the rear I need. I need to work on the yard, the driveway, the deck, the bathrooms, the roof, the garage, and the workspace behind the garage. I need to determine whether the skyroom can be made tolerable during summer months. I need to decide whether living in the United States under a Trump administration can be even moderately tolerable. I have things to do!

But I’ve been negligent of late. I’ve ignored things that should have commanded my attention. I’ve failed to perform functions decent human beings would never consider ignoring. Ach. I’m a bad man, at least I am on occasion. And, just now, I remembered that I did not retrieve the hummingbird feeders from the deck! The memory was triggered by what I have come to call “raccoon noises” outside the double doors of my study/guest room. I think I hear the bastards sucking the nectar out of the jars! If I had a raccoon rifle tonight, I’d use it.

But back to the transition. What does it take to light a fire under me to ensure that I do what must be done? It would help if I had the appropriate tools. And a pickup in which to haul them. Have I mentioned before my deep-seated desire for a pickup? Ah, I thought so. I need a pickup. And some gravel. And bark mulch. And some fiercely heavy rocks that would make my imaginary pickup scream in pain as its shocks were compressed by the weight of more rock than I need.

What else do I want? Well, I keep returning to Leon Redbone’s “I Want to be Seduced.” I doubt, though, that a forty-ish blonde with dark glasses and high cheekbones will respond to Leon’s exhortation. So, what else? I want to start a garden. Now THAT’s something I might get behind. Or maybe not. We shall see.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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