Another Plane of Thought

Today is my day for tooth planing.  That sounds horrible.  I hope it’s not as bad as it sounds. By day’s end, it will be behind me, save for the remnants of numbness and perhaps some swelling and a little pain.  It’s also known as deep cleaning, as in scraping plaque from the roots of the teeth.

Perhaps the experience will trigger ideas for stories I can submit to the Arkansas Writers’ Conference.  I have only two weeks before my submissions are due.  And I will, by God, submit one or more entries to the myriad contests they have going. In June, I will learn whether my submissions were judged sufficiently decent to be awarded a “place” in the line-up of winners.

So many stories to tell, but the limitations on the contests are cramping my style.  I must look for other contests to enter.

Good day!

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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