
A few weeks ago (I’m writing this on March 19, 2018), we had considerable rain; flooding rain. The street behind and below our house washed out. There was a LOT of rain. Subsequently, I noticed some water inside our fireplace. I thought we must have a leak in the flashing around our chimney, so I called a roofer. A guy came out to look, but he found no problem there. He said the water may have blown in sideways onto the screen beneath the chimney cap. But, he said, there’s hail damage on the roof. He suggested I call our insurance company. Almost two years earlier, after a bunch of neighbors had new roofs installed due to hail damage (we didn’t know just when the damage was done), I called my insurance company to inquire whether I might need a new roof. They advised me to call some roofers to come out to have a look. I did. I had no hail damage. But after this guy said I had damage, I called. The adjuster came out and said, yes, you have damage and we’ll pay for a new roof. So I arranged to have the roof torn off and replaced. And here’s where things went from there:

March 16, 2018: Roofers came. Tore off the old roof and installed a new one. Left their trailer and lots of roofing supplies all over the driveway. The supervisor told me the gutter guards will be installed sometime early the week of March 19.

March 17, 2018: Roofers came and cleaned up their mess.

March 18, 2018: Late afternoon thunderstorm produced heavy rain, high wind, and–I couldn’t believe my eyes–hail! Though it only lasted about five minutes and the hail was only pea-sized, I thought to myself, “I do NOT want another new roof, nor do I want damage to the one I just got.”

March 19, 2019: During the night, I was awakened by heavy rain, high wind, and a lot of thunder. When I got up this morning, I had several weather advisory emails awaiting me; an example follows: