August 7: Thoughts for the Day

Have I mentioned my questions about why it’s so common to see street names, subdivision names, etc. called “Whispering Pines,” but it’s rare to see “Whispering Oaks,” “Whispering Mesquite,” “Whispering Crepe Myrtles,” “Whispering Sycamores,” “Whispering Firs,” or “Whispering Maples?”

“Shouting Fir” is common, as is “Stuttering Redwood” and “Screaming Hickory.”

Or, perhaps, it’s just my imagination, running away with me.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to August 7: Thoughts for the Day

  1. Ha! I particularly like Skiing Windburn!

  2. Dr. Timothy Leary says:

    Any of those are better than the street my brother lives on… Rodeo Daze. What are the other street names in his area? Football Concussion? Tennis Elbow? Skiing Windburn?

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