Vampires in Your Kitchen

When I awoke this morning, for reasons beyond my comprehension, garlic was on my mind. I vaguely remembered writing something about garlic many months ago, something that got to the stark reality of garlic. I found it. Here are excerpts from my pronouncements of truth on the matter of garlic:

Any recipe that calls for a single clove of garlic must be considered suspect…Always use a minimum of three cloves of garlic, regardless of the recipe’s measure, or you’ll have vampires running rampant in your kitchen.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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2 Responses to Vampires in Your Kitchen

  1. John says:

    You and I could have some fun in the kitchen, Lois!

  2. Lois Ferrara says:

    I think just about every recipe has a misprint on garlic. I simply substitute “bulb” for “clove”. Makes us happy, happy, happy 🙂

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