Poems I Want to Read

speakingpoemsDuring a recent visit with a couple who hosted us on a trip to explore where we might want to live, I learned of a book of poetry I want to read.  I want to know; have you read it?  It is entitled Speaking Poems; it was written by Ric Masten and published in 1977.

We were sitting at the table after dinner one evening, having drinks and chatting about this and that, when one of my friends complimented me on my poetry on this blog.  She is more aware than to truly like my bad poetry, I think, but I appreciated her generous comments, nonetheless.

She then went on to tell us about a book of poetry her sister gave to her long ago. She left the table to find it and came back almost immediately; she knew exactly where it was, as one does with a favorite book packed with memories and meaning.  After thumbing through the well-worn book for a moment, she read a poem.  I liked it.  A lot.  She read another.  It, too, was superb. Both of them were rather short, but both of them were packed with combinations of words that instantly evoked memories of emotions long since buried.

She allowed me to take a photo of the book.  She did not offer to lend it to me, nor would I have taken it if she had; it is too precious to allow out of the house.  I would have to find my own.

I’ve found several copies available online.   I will now buy one of them.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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3 Responses to Poems I Want to Read

  1. Trish says:

    Dissatisfied, John? My poet husband often felt the same frustration….he would say, “but it’s not all that I want to say,” or, “it doesn’t express full what I want to convey”, “its deeper than that”. I told him to keep writing. When I read back on his journals/dairies,post-mortem, they were gems of his life and reflections…true monuments to his thoughts, even thought he often believed he came up short in expression. I knew him well, I did not see this shortcoming….but then again, it was only my perspective, we all feel differently after all.

    But, keep at it, John! You do it very well! 🙂

  2. Thanks, Trish. His poems, at least the ones she read to me, are powerful shots that jolt one’s thoughts unexpectedly. And thanks for your comments about my writing; I am not satisfied with it, and probably won’t be, but it’s good to know it’s appreciated at least a little!

  3. Trish says:

    Oh, my! Do not know Rick Masten, but your posted inspired to do some investigating. His poetry is beautiful, and his early demise makes it all the more moving.

    I love how you put the photo of your friends book by him. Tattered, by the reader. This speaks much of her love of his poetry and thoughts.

    My first husband whom left me a widow, was one not unlike yourself, that awoke before dawn to begin his thoughts and sometimes poetry, in what I would describe as leather bond ledgers, with his name engraved into each tome. When he could no longer make the journey to his beloved “estriorio” (desk), I brought the ledger to his bedside, for mobility became an issue, his thoughts did not. They were deeper, yet.

    Please continue with your thoughts, and poems, John. Its always a welcome read, and a thoughtful discipline for your own piece of mind.

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