On Taking Oneself a Little Less Seriously

Dawn, ripening to the hue of a pumpkin, crept out of the night sky behind streaks of thin grey clouds ripping across the horizon like claws.”

The questions, of course, are these: Who is Dawn and why is she creeping out of the night sky? And, of equal importance, why is she ripening to the hue of a pumpkin?

These questions, and more like them, cause many writers to abandon their craft in favor of pursuing a career in septic tank installation.

No, I’m not making fun of anyone but myself. I wrote the sentence between the quotation marks, not as an opportunity to laugh but as a means of describing the onslaught of a peculiar morning. That sentence is the outcome of trying too hard to find yet another way to experience the commonplace.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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