
Mardella was my sister-in-law’s mother-in-law.  She was sharp-witted, funny, and a joy to be around.  In spite of the fact that her eyes were failing and her hearing wasn’t what it used to be, she had a wicked sense of humor that lasted well into her 90s.  She outlived her children, something no one should have to face.  But she faced it and didn’t let it destroy her optimism and positive outlook.  Her love for her late son extended to her daughter-in-law; even after his death, that was so very obvious.

I didn’t spend much time with her, nor can I say I knew her well, but the time I spent with her was enlightening and gratifying in so many ways.  It put life in a different perspective for me. Here she was, confined for most of the time to her room…almost blind, her body rebelling against too many years of effort and not enough relief…yet she laughed and smiled and joked like a woman sixty years her junior.  Though she saw through a thick veil, her eyes twinkled and sparkled.  Her smile was infectious.

Mardella died on April 14.  Her last few months were not good.  She was ready to go.  Her memories will live on.  Her lessons about life will live on.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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3 Responses to Mardella

  1. roger says:

    it is good for us to know old people, before we are them.

  2. robin andrea says:

    A lovely tribute, John.

  3. carol Morgan says:

    Beautiful John. Thank you for this. I’m feeling especially low today. Today I feel like an orphan.

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