Incomprehensible Beauty

A field of flowers may be lovely, but a single bloom can be incomprehensively beautiful. When I look closely at just one blossom, ignoring everything around it, I am utterly awestruck. The subtle variations in color, the complexity of elaborate textures melding into one another, and the extraordinary delicacy of each part of the flower are amazing.  The only way to capture the beauty of the thing for others to see is to take a photo or to paint it; I can do neither particularly well, but the camera is a better friend to me than the paintbrush.  I decided to preserve the experience of viewing these blooms the best way I could, with a camera.

So, here is my version, close-up, of the stunning beauty of a tiny piece of nature.

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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3 Responses to Incomprehensible Beauty

  1. robin andrea says:

    The close-ups are quite beautiful, John. Our stunning planet, from micro to macro, is a breathtaking display.

  2. Nothing is easy, my friend. Not even with a camera.

  3. Juan says:

    I would prefer your words 😉 I loved this line from you, “[t]he subtle variations in color, the complexity of elaborate textures melding into one another, and the extraordinary delicacy of each part of the flower are amazing.

    Wow! What else would you say without a camera? An old French song? …..But don’t get me started on things “made easy, Johnny,” ala camera, ala Facebook, ala whiskey soda.

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