Happy Birthday, Mom

yellowroseHere it is again.  It came so quickly; could it possibly be a year since I last gave my mom flowers in remembrance of her birthday?  Yes, today would have been my mom’s birthday. And again I pause to remember and reflect and wish I’d had more time with her.  Last year on my mom’s birthday, I wrote more than I’d done in a long while.  That remembrance will do for now; today, I’ll just think about her and wish she were here.  I love you, mom.


Let me give credit where credit is due; this photo is from the website for Williams Gardening. 

About John Swinburn

"Love not what you are but what you may become."― Miguel de Cervantes
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5 Responses to Happy Birthday, Mom

  1. druxha says:

    That is interesting, Robin. Here in Mexico El Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), is honored on November 2nd, the same way. The candles burning 24 hours, altar, favorite foods, and keepsakes. The big difference is that it done collectively for all deceased loved ones. I will post a photo of my altar from last November on my timeline so you may see, and tell me if in any way it draws any similarity, for I was unaware of the tradition of the yahrzeit candle. 🙂

  2. Beautiful, Robin.

  3. robin andrea says:

    Every year on the anniversary of my father’s death, we burn a yahrzeit candle. In the Jewish tradition, we light the candle at sundown the day before, and it burns for 24 hours. It is an attempt to hold the memory, reflect on the loss, contain the grief for those hours. We build an altar with his favorite books, food, and photos of the people he loved. We speak his name and raise our glasses to him. May your mother’s memory be for a blessing, John.

  4. Thanks. Trish.

  5. druxha says:

    Your mom was is a Libra, too! She was an English teacher? Now wonder you have such fine diction, John, and perhaps this is where your “wanderlust” spirit comes from, as well?!

    I too remember my mother all the time, it has been 30 years. And like yourself, wish there had been more time, John. We were good friends, and talked almost daily, from the important to the trivial.

    I feel its always comforting to have them in our thoughts…

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